More about the Commute Smart Champions Awards

The Commute Smart Champions program is a recognition awards program. It aims to increase awareness and support for trip reduction efforts among citizens and business leaders of the Inland Northwest. The program seeks to increase the use of commute options including riding the bus, walking, bicycling, carpooling, vanpooling, working from home and compressing work schedules to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality within Spokane County.

Individual Commuters, Employee Transportation Coordinators (ETCs), Business Leaders, Commute Smart Committees and Organizations are publicly recognized for their commitment to use and promote the use of commute options.

The following awards are recognized each quarter through an ETC nomination process:

  • The Champion Commuter award will be given to three individual commuters each quarter. ETCs will have an opportunity to nominate up to three commuting champions during the quarterly nomination process. The winners will be selected by the Commute Smart Champions Committee, based on criteria including a demonstrated commitment to commute options, frequency of use and serving as an advocate by encouraging fellow employees to discover the alternatives to driving alone.
  • The Champion ETC award will be given to one Employee Transportation Coordinator each quarter. During the quarterly nomination process, ETCs will be asked to complete a one-page form describing the commute trip reduction (CTR) activities at their worksite over the past three months, including a proud CTR moment. Commute Smart NW will review all quarterly nominations and determine the Champion ETC for the quarter.
  • The Champion Business Leader award is given each quarter to an individual in management who demonstrates support and leadership for the ETC to successfully implement and promote trip reduction efforts at the worksite. The business leader must be a decision maker for the worksite’s Commute Smart program and have the ability to provide resources to the ETC including time to promote the program, budget to promote and encourage participation, enthusiasm, commitment, etc.

Champion Commuters, ETCs and Business leaders will be recognized at the Quarterly ETC Networking lunches, receiving an appreciation gift, as well as being featured on our quarterly Commute Smart Champions poster, and their stories shared on our website at Champion Business Leaders will also be recognized in a Journal of Business ad.

In addition to the quarterly awards, the following are awards given on a yearly basis.

  • The Champion Team award is given once a year to a Commute Smart Committee. During the 4th quarter nomination process, ETCs can nominate their Commute Smart committee for their efforts to promote and encourage CTR at their worksite.
  • The Pinnacle award is given once a year to three different Spokane County organizations that demonstrate support and a consistent commitment to trip reduction efforts and their Commute Smart program.

All winners will be recognized at the annual Commute Smart Champions event the following February. All Champion Commuters, ETCs, Business Leaders, as well as the unveiling of the Champion Team and Pinnacle award winners will be recognized at this gala event. Top management, ETCs, elected officials, jurisdiction representatives and the local media will be invited to attend this event to celebrate another year of Commute Trip Reduction success in Spokane County!

The goals for the Commute Smart Champions Program are:

  • Increase awareness of commuting options and promote greater use among citizens of Spokane County, to improve air quality, reduce traffic congestion and enhance Spokane’s quality of life.
  • Recognize individual commuting champions who are making a difference and use their stories to persuade others to use commute options.
  • Communicate the success of Commute Trip Reduction in Spokane County to managers and business leaders, to increase management support, through public recognition of individual commuters, ETCs and organizations.

Online Nomination Forms
Commute Smart Champion Nomination Forms

Champion Commuter
ETCs can nominate up to three Champion Commuters each quarter, each one being a different mode and you select the modes. i.e. you can select a carpooler, bus rider and teleworker or vanpooler, bicyclist and bus rider, you can't duplicate any mode in one quarter.

Click here for Champion Commuter Nomination Form (Please use same form for up to 3 nominations)


Quarterly Accomplishments

ETCs tell us what you have been doing over the last 3 months to promote and encourage participation in your CTR program. Information will be used to help select the Champion ETC

Click here for Quarterly Accomplishments Form


Tools for Nominating