Phone Number:
1. Describe the amount of involvement and/or support for CTR by supervisors and managers at your worksite.
(i.e., use of commute options, provide resources for CTR, encourage employee involvement, etc.)
2. What do you feel has been successful about your CTR program in the past year? Why?
3. Describe the challenges to the CTR Program at your worksite.
4. Do you, as ETC, walk your talk? What mode? How often?
5. What campaigns and/or special events did your worksite promote in the past year?
(i.e., regional campaigns, worksite events, employee contests, prize drawings, etc.)
6. What is the best part of your CTR program?
7. As ETC, what is your most memorable moment over the past year?
Additional comments?
In the event you are chosen, please make sure you have read and signed our photo release form.
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