All Star Leader

Staci Franz - Inland Northwest Health Services

Staci is the HR Director for Inland Northwest Health Services, INHS. INHS encompasses both St. Luke’s Hospital and INHS in the downtown Wells Fargo building. Between the 2 sites, INHS employs over 600 employees. INHS offers discounted bus passes for St. Luke’s employees and at their downtown site, if employees are willing to give up their parking space, they receive a FREE monthly bus pass. They also offer secured bike storage, showers, lockers, flexible work schedules, monthly prize drawings, as well as a Guaranteed Ride Home program.

INHS sponsors the Spokane Bike Swap each year, and hosts one of the Refueling Stations that are part of the Bike to Work Week each May.

Staci feels “CTR aligns with INHS’s core value of Excellence. Striving to promote the health and quality of life in our community, as well as Compassion, nurturing the well-being of employees by promoting physical activity.

INHS, as an employer, benefits from promoting a CTR program, and it cuts down on their parking needs and provides more parking for their clients and patients. And INHS employees benefit from using commute alternatives by saving money by carpooling and taking the bus, as well as the health benefits from employees who walk to work.

Staci has been involved as the CTR program manager since 2014. Her words of wisdom for other Executives, is to select an ETC that has passion for promoting commute alternatives. That’s the key to a successful program.